sadest thing
This is the sadest thing I have ever watched in my life! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOYF0bVYa1Y
Kody i am so sorry!
I am so sorry kody! I didn't mean it my heart was just broken! Torn in half! But because you don't like me I saw an old crush of mine, and.........He kind of patched it up. His name is Jared Erickson. I saw him at my B-day celebration at Jupin Jupiter a skateing rank and I fell head over heels for him again! I'm so very sorry though! Please forgve me.
You know how I posted he said he would go to the dance. Well I said the school wouldn't let him! But i am gonna go with my Friends so I'm okay!
long time no post!lol. Well let's see....... sadly I can't play the flute.So now I'm in a Band in school playing the Clarinet! YAY! It's really easy so far! One of my Bff's was in the nws paper. You thinking cool lucky him.Nope.He was hit by the sewr leak in muskegon and he has leg bone canser! I feel so bad for him! Ummmm any more events?I asked kody kidder to the end of the year dance. He said he would love to go as friends,no more than that,but he's not sure if his mom would drive him from hesparia to hart for a dance so mabey!Well........I think thats it so far! Bye!

I know my friends are on!( at least they should be) Because i sent them an email! so sup! This girl i made at http://www.cartoondollemporium.com/ go there it rocks! you'll see more ont hig page all along it so just warnin ya! lol! so how's it goin? huh huh? lol. gez am i weid go ahead ask any one i am really weird! lol! every one in my family is though so.well coment peps k all i got for comments is me and my nana.img height="66" alt="Burning Heart" src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_3_22.gif" width="66" border="0" />
bocey bounce!

In the next post there is a link Don't follow it follow this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C76mYh-YlYY ok the other one is wrong. It is a song called Sancuary. ok. u can watch it if u want but this one is the real Simple and clean.
just for fun!
This is blurry but it is a picture of my Favorite movie in da whole world! FUSHIGI YUGI! YAY! Fushigi yuugi means The Mysterious Play. I have the whole first movie ( two boxes) The Seiryu box has 3 DVD's same as the Susaku box.

This is so beautiful...... If the flute really had so much power.............
I Truly Belive this is true................ This picture has Two girls from the book and movie of Ultra Maniac. A good Book. A good Movie. Ayu(Brown hair) and ..........and.......ummmm... Aw man! I forgot! 
OKey. I love this song called Simple and Clean. I just found out is is off of Kingdom Hearts but I love it! so here is the link .....................................
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpSzaNme02A It is Awesome! go down there is more!
Dear boy
Dear boy,
I do not know who you are or were or when we will meet, But i do hope it is soon. I pray that we will meet and fall in love, you will love me for me. Not because i am thinner or prettier. I hope u won't compareme to other girls who have brighter smiles.I hope you will make me laugh take care of me if i get sick, andf be trust worthey. I hope u will remember i prefer Roses to Dasies. And my favorite color changes with my mood. Please know my eyes aren't blue they are gray with flecks of navy.Please know i might be too shy to kiss you first,But please don't be afraid to kiss me first. I won't slap you or push u away I'm sure your kisses will be perfect. When we go on a date don't stress about were to go, Because it dosen't ,matter as long as i am with you.Please tell me if something i do bothers you anfd be honset with me.I hope you don't think i am asking too much of you. Every relationship is a new game of cards......and......(sigh).........I have never really been good at cards. But i will try my best.Thanks for listen; this is all i ask.
I do not know who you are or were or when we will meet, But i do hope it is soon. I pray that we will meet and fall in love, you will love me for me. Not because i am thinner or prettier. I hope u won't compareme to other girls who have brighter smiles.I hope you will make me laugh take care of me if i get sick, andf be trust worthey. I hope u will remember i prefer Roses to Dasies. And my favorite color changes with my mood. Please know my eyes aren't blue they are gray with flecks of navy.Please know i might be too shy to kiss you first,But please don't be afraid to kiss me first. I won't slap you or push u away I'm sure your kisses will be perfect. When we go on a date don't stress about were to go, Because it dosen't ,matter as long as i am with you.Please tell me if something i do bothers you anfd be honset with me.I hope you don't think i am asking too much of you. Every relationship is a new game of cards......and......(sigh).........I have never really been good at cards. But i will try my best.Thanks for listen; this is all i ask.
Why Girls Like Guys
This is from "Chicken Soup for the Tennage Soul 3 " I liked it so i am sharing it.
I Feel the same exsact way. Exsepet for the kissing and holding stuff. I have never done that.
- They always wear your favorite cologne(That happends to be the one u bnought him for his B-day)
- The way they run there fingers though your hair.
- the look that just makes u want to die right there.
- The way they kiss away tears.
- The way they get mad when they can't make the problem go away.
- The way they make it there personal misson to make sure u are not cold.
- The confuse look they get when u get mad at them garrented to make your heart melt and the anger fade away
- The way they let u win at anygame u play together
- ........And when u point that out they pretend not to know what u are talking about.
- Their smile that makes your stomach drop to your feet.
- The way they touch u and hold u so gentley as if they were afraid they would break you.
- the way they say "I Love you"
- The way they say " I miss you" Even if they don't wanna admit it.
- The way u miss every thing about them when they are gone
- The way they they write love letters to you even if they think they are uncool
- The way they think they are your big protecter
- the way they hold you when u are crying
- The way they kiss you
- Regardless of whether you love them, or hate them, wish they would die or know you would die without them.....it matters not. Because once they enter your life, whatever you were to the world they become everything to you. When you lookm them in the eyes, travaling to the depthes of there soul and you say a millon things without even speaking, you know that your own life has been consumed by their love.We love them for a millon resons; it is a thing, an indescribable feeling.
I Feel the same exsact way. Exsepet for the kissing and holding stuff. I have never done that.
the songs i love!
- Glamorous
- fergalicous
- toxic
- love don't cost a thing
- sexy back
- everytime we touch
- Wind ( jappaness)
- Mysterious Play ( Fushigi Yugi) also jappaness
- Moon ( jappaness)
- sk8er boi
- Girlfriend
- smile
Well dat's it please coment about one u like too!
Oh and most likely i will say " i forgot that one!" So please forgive me
my life pictures

top: Me bottom: my sis sarah
We are so cute together! i hated my hair cut though
Well that concludes my photo fun i hope u liked them.
hey cheack these out!
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