
Dear boy

Dear boy,
I do not know who you are or were or when we will meet, But i do hope it is soon. I pray that we will meet and fall in love, you will love me for me. Not because i am thinner or prettier. I hope u won't compareme to other girls who have brighter smiles.I hope you will make me laugh take care of me if i get sick, andf be trust worthey. I hope u will remember i prefer Roses to Dasies. And my favorite color changes with my mood. Please know my eyes aren't blue they are gray with flecks of navy.Please know i might be too shy to kiss you first,But please don't be afraid to kiss me first. I won't slap you or push u away I'm sure your kisses will be perfect. When we go on a date don't stress about were to go, Because it dosen't ,matter as long as i am with you.Please tell me if something i do bothers you anfd be honset with me.I hope you don't think i am asking too much of you. Every relationship is a new game of cards......and......(sigh).........I have never really been good at cards. But i will try my best.Thanks for listen; this is all i ask.



Melodie said...

Did you write that yourself?? You're thinking is way beyond you years!! You shouldn't be worrying about that stuff yet! Love you!

*Jennifer* said...

no no no! that is from Chicken soup for the teenage soul 3
sorry should of put dat