This is my papa. I miss him so much. This was his b-day party. He died from canser 2 years ago. Canser used to be a least consern of mine, but now when it killed him, it is like a feirce demon I must deafet. I miss hm so much. If you can't feel my pain pretend your father died right now! You would care! You would cry! That's how I feel! Canser murdered my father! He's dead! He can't see all of my conserts in my band, my birth days, my drama play, he is missing all of my life. I still remember my last words to him. You should cry about these words. They were "I love you Papa" I'm glad those were my last words. Treat your parents like the will die tomarrow. Do you want your last words to be "I hate you!"?
Jenny, some people believe that once someone you love is in Heaven, they do see all that you do. He does watch you when you're up there playing in a concert, or acting in drama, and in your everyday life. Papa would be so proud of you. You're turning out just the way he would have hoped for. You're very intelligent and beautiful and friendly.....Trust me, he's proud of you.
That makes me feel wonderful!
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