OK. I don't know why but I have gotten to I would so much rather hang-out with Kadee than any other of my friends! She has been such a sweet-heart to me! I stared to cry because Nana got mad because I wouldn't try to swallow a piece of candy because my mind kept saying, " Your going to choke! Don't swallow! Way too dangerous!" So I went and bawled on the window seat. So Kadee came up to me and says " What's wrong Jenny?" I wanted to say oh, dear Kadee nothing but I couldn't stop crying. So I lifted my head ( kinda) and she moved towards me and gave me a kiss! I was like "aw!" She smiled the biggest smile right then! When I get home today ( I'm at the Hart Public Library ) I am gonna play with her like crazy! Ahhhh. She makes my day just thinking about her!
Random Blogging
I love pink! It is so awesome! Hot pink and black! Best combo! I'm random blogging cause I'm bored. Likr always. Wanna see my signature Pic? Here we go :
<( . . )> Cute huh! It's a kitty! I also like these :
<( . . )> Cute huh! It's a kitty! I also like these :
- T_T
- <( ^_^)>
- O_0
- ~( - _-)~
- <-(x_x)->
- <(OO)>
Cute huh! Well all done Random Blogging!
Things bummin me out
- I CAN'T SWALLOW PILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I AM VERY BORED A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- KODY ISN'T TALKING TO ME MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- SUSI GETS MAD EASILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I CAN'T WIN THIS GAME OF LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to take pills for my acne. It is hard to even practice because I think of all the times I threw up before. So I began to cry and cry idk why but I did. Then Nana got mad because I said I can't do it, now Mary West ( my doctor ) will be mad too. Sigh. I just can't win can I?
Dear boy,
I do not know who you are or were or when we will meet, But i do hope it is soon. I pray that we will meet and fall in love, you will love me for me. Not because i am thinner or prettier. I hope u won't compare me to other s who have brighter smiles.I hope you will make me laugh take care of me if i get sick, and be trust worthy. I hope u will remember i prefer Roses to Daises. And my favorite color changes with my mood. Please know my eyes aren't blue they are gray with flecks of navy.Please know i might be too shy to kiss you first,But please don't be afraid to kiss me first. I won't slap you or push u away I'm sure your kisses will be perfect. When we go on a date don't stress about were to go, Because it doesn't ,matter as long as i am with you.Please tell me if something i do bothers you and be honest with me.I hope you don't think i am asking too much of you. Every relationship is a new of cards......and......(sigh).........I have never really been good at cards. But i will try my best.Thanks for listen; this is all i ask.
OK i got that from "Chicken Noodle Soup For The Teenage Soul" I love that book. But this "Letter" makes a lot of sense and matches me perfectly!
I do not know who you are or were or when we will meet, But i do hope it is soon. I pray that we will meet and fall in love, you will love me for me. Not because i am thinner or prettier. I hope u won't compare me to other s who have brighter smiles.I hope you will make me laugh take care of me if i get sick, and be trust worthy. I hope u will remember i prefer Roses to Daises. And my favorite color changes with my mood. Please know my eyes aren't blue they are gray with flecks of navy.Please know i might be too shy to kiss you first,But please don't be afraid to kiss me first. I won't slap you or push u away I'm sure your kisses will be perfect. When we go on a date don't stress about were to go, Because it doesn't ,matter as long as i am with you.Please tell me if something i do bothers you and be honest with me.I hope you don't think i am asking too much of you. Every relationship is a new of cards......and......(sigh).........I have never really been good at cards. But i will try my best.Thanks for listen; this is all i ask.
OK i got that from "Chicken Noodle Soup For The Teenage Soul" I love that book. But this "Letter" makes a lot of sense and matches me perfectly!
ATTENTION! PLEASE I NEED YOUR ATTENTION! EVAN IS REALLY WEIRD! ha ha ha ha! I just wanted to say that 4 fun!
I would really like it if people commented. I have people reading these and not commenting. I would like it if you did. Please and thank you!
ok i just wanted to say that before you got on. Now i want to say i love you x 35465756748678+1 ha ha! I miss you times numbers that don't exsist. Do you have a E-mail other than Myspace? I do. I have 2. yahoo and hotmail. Well vist this blog any time! ~xoxoxox~
I changed my mind. I am gonna stay on. To bored to get off. Wanna know some thing really stupid? The H.P.L will only let you on the computer 1 a day! How dumb is that? I really don't understand it. Me and Stacey got in a huge fight today. It was a dumb one. She said i was really immature! And i said she was more immature than me. and then she was like well at least I am not stupid. I told her right then, "I only act that way because stupid things are funny" Then she glared at me for quite some time. Then Susi ( A.K.A life saver ) pulled me away from her before Stacey got really mad. I don't like Stacey any more. I hope you read that Kody. I HATE her. She is such a jerk! Like Kody said " A bossy, boy-desperate, freak!" I agree finally! Finally i agree that she is a E-V-I-L !!!!!!!!! Well TTFN oh and i almost forgot i applied for Camp Blue Lake scholarship today! Don't worry Nana I don't have to go if you don't want me to go. The man could only be here today so, i applied. He said if your parents say "no" then just throw away the thing you get in the mail, that's it, no calling, and they won't call you. Now TTYL
Manga books!
Manga books rule! Guess what! THE H.P.L ( hart public library) HAS THEM! I ALWAYS COME HERE FOR THEM! I just got Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories and Manga The Complete Guide. I haven't read them yet but i so can not wait! I am still time here. I have until 4:30 when Nana gets here. It is only 3:45 right now. Bored bored bored! Heh. I wonder if Sarah and Evan are as bored as I am? They're both here. Sarah is mad that I told Evan he could come. HELLO! IT IS A PUBLIC LIBRARY! *sigh* Aunt Loni also said Evan could come any time without telling her as long as we were going too. LEARN SARAH! and Nana thinks she is a angel. HA! I CAN PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK. I am way too hyper. I am going to get off soon. TTYL!
Hello all! I am at the Hart Library right now. So I decided to get on the computer and mess around with my Font. I have a doctors anointment so I have Tons of work. Nana asked me to get the work for tomorrow.....I now regret getting it. Ha ha. Kamryn is so adorable! I love her! I am still kinda afraid to hold her. I feel bad when babies cry! I don't wanna take take the chance of her crying in my arms. I feel really bad when that happens.I really don't know why. Well, that's why I will not hold her Aunt Loni. *grin grin* Well Blog you later!
We watched this really bad movie called hatchet. There was extrema totally over reacting blood in it. Brian ( the boys name) killed a bear with a stick and blood squirted out like a water fall. And the dead pilot in the plane that crashed in the water hand no more eyes so you could see the pupil cords waving in the water. And his skin was being eaten by fish. It was gross. Don't watch it if you have a chance!
We know 'em. We love 'em! But can we understand them? Most of us can't, but some of us do. I have a lot of best GUY friends and they are #1!!!! But when it comes to love, all comes crashing down!
This is a beautiful girl, but like some people on earth her lonleyness drags her into being dark and depressed.
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