
Manga books!

Manga books rule! Guess what! THE H.P.L ( hart public library) HAS THEM! I ALWAYS COME HERE FOR THEM! I just got Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories and Manga The Complete Guide. I haven't read them yet but i so can not wait! I am still time here. I have until 4:30 when Nana gets here. It is only 3:45 right now. Bored bored bored! Heh. I wonder if Sarah and Evan are as bored as I am? They're both here. Sarah is mad that I told Evan he could come. HELLO! IT IS A PUBLIC LIBRARY! *sigh* Aunt Loni also said Evan could come any time without telling her as long as we were going too. LEARN SARAH! and Nana thinks she is a angel. HA! I CAN PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK. I am way too hyper. I am going to get off soon. TTYL!

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