
Another Day, And no Dollar.

Have you ever heard the saying "Another day, another Dollar."? I have and guess what, I go to school and do homework, where's my money? Ha ha. I know we all feel that way. Sometimes I feel that the day is perfect.Well now all of them could be W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L! All I need is money! I found my $12.00. It was at Jennie's house. What are the odds of that? OK. Now let's do a quiz. Just for fun. :

Pick your Favorite.

A. Cell Phone

B. Computer

C. Friends

Who is your best friend?

A. My sisters

B. My brothers

C. My nieces

D. My Grandchildren

What scares you?

A. Snakes

B. Spiders

C. People

OK. Now post your answers in comment. 'Kay' ^.^ I hope you picked Niece Aunt Loni!


Lei Lei said...

c. friends
c. my nieces-Jenny and Sarah
c. people-some freaks out there

Melodie said...

c. friends
How about daughters! Leilani, Jenny & Sarah!
C. People~scary ones