

Ehhh, Hi. ^.^' I have nothing to say really important. I just noticed my blog is pretty blank. Lol. Sooo, yea.

Topic #1:

Yay! Susi comes home tomorrow! I'm so excited! Yayyyyy! I miss her sooo much! Nana said I talk to her, and about her so much if she was a guy, She would think we were dating. Lol. It was quite funny. But I realllyyyy do miss my B.F.F.L.A.D! (Best Friends For Life And Death) She always keeps me from boring weekends! My weekends have been blank and boring after she left. Lol

Topic #2:

Meap. Oh dear. Lol, I actully enjoied the English part of the Meap. But the Math one sucked! I almosted died from Math over-dose. Lol, but lucky the Math only has 1 part. English had 6. Haha. Most of the English part was really short though. ^.^ So I can't wait until next year, when we do the Science Meap too! ^.^ YAY!

Topic #3
New Favorite Song

Here is my NEW favorite song! I looove it! <3>


Enjoy! <3>


Who were you?

Who were you in a pass life? Find out here:


Here was my result:

You might've been a passenger on the Titanic.
You have an inner strength and calmness that could have developed during a traumatic past life experience. You seem very protective of the people you love, and you'd do anything to keep them safe from harm. Maybe you were a child's nanny on the Titanic, and your only thought after the ship hit that iceberg was to get the baby onto a lifeboat. If you stay focused in the face of danger, it could be because you developed that ability a hundred years ago on the open sea.


Writer's Block!!

Okay, This is a section from my story, and I'd like you to tell me what could happen next. Here we go:

“Well, after my divorce, I’ve been lonely. Except for the school kids, but I didn’t feel like I was actually talking. Connecting. You know what I mean?” Annette nodded. After her father’s death, it was hard for her to connect to the world. To anything that was dead, or alive. At school she walked the halls like a ghost, public wasn’t somewhere she went anymore. “Been there, done that.” She smiled. Mr. Ackley gave a sympathy smile.

So, what do you think she sould say/do or he should say/do?