At the Library
Kyler is awesome. My best friend I guess you could say. My drama buddy. Lol. Now he's reading it...<_<... So....yeah. This blog thing is HARD to remember to write in. The HAPL is the only place I really remember all the time to write it in. I wish we could IM though. It would make it much cooler, but....we can't...
I saw Susi today again. I missed her so much...
Math- Ruined my day. Talk about BORING!
Science- I did all the work on a Lab Experiement
Reading- Was fun, like always.
English- The .
US History- Kinda boring today, but I still love it.
Band- Same ol' same ol'...
Advisory- Got all my work done except for my Poe Biography. Which I just finished.
I hope you guys actually read these. Hard to tell when no one comments. Oh well.
I am now offically part of the White Lake Jounior Community Orcestra. I play violin still! Go me!! Lol. Well talk to everyone later...BAII!! :D
Okay, I was practicing violin and suddenly I was REALLY Hot. So I was like sweating, and I was like, "Jeesh, it's hot." and my teacher was wearing a sweatshirt, and she was like, "What?" Confused because she was cold So we're playing, and suddenly I get really sick to my stomach, so I set my violin down and ask to go to the bathroom, I'm not even sure I can make it because I feel so sick so, I start to walk to go there, and I suddenly begin to black out. I can no longer walk in a straight line, and I'm dizzy and confused. Everything is black, except a partial view out of one eye So I'm freaking out in my mind, while my ears are ringing really loud, and I collapse into a chair, and I sit aginast it, and I'm still in a state of blacking out They're rushing around trying to find out what to do and I'm sweating insanely all over, and I'm zoned out. I couldn't hear anything unless you were up right next to me, talking. I wasn't really thinking anything, just zoned out and so they give me these little gerber gummy things, and some water and my vision comes back, and everything seems to be fine after that
...*Sniff Sniff* =(
So, now I found out it's really just a rash from the water at Grace Adventures. Oh well.
Well, gonna go do something worth my wild today I guess.
Baii Baii!
Thanks Andrew!

Aloha From Jenny!
I miss everyone already! I've only seen Susi, and Susi might be going to South Dakota! ;.; Terrible isn't it!? I'm going to hate it. She's my life!
Violin lessons are starting soon. I'm going to rock that violin! I need to start playing my clarinet more often too! Nana says so. It will help my mouth in the long run. Even though it's a clarinet not a Bass, I'll be fine. Same muscles.
Well, gotta run! It's almost 11pm and I'm tired. I need a shower! Love love love love looooove! -Jenny <3
Let's update!
Well, the drama show went great! I hope you saw it! I would love to thank the WHOLE cast of "Little Red: Life In The Hood" for doing a great!
Well, it's spring break now! Which is so awesome! I'm glad it's finally here! Tomorrow I have a "Movie Madness" night with some of my friends! It's going to be a blast! I just need to make a few more calls!
I would also like to thank my Science teacher Mr. Calvin Ackley for inspiring my Christan beliefs, and not getting annoyed with my constant questions! Thanks for answering every one of those questions!
Now that spring is around the corner, so is Track! I'm really hyped up for it!! I hope I find out my second event I want to do. All I know right now is Shot Put. I'm sure I can do that. Mrs. Woodbury said I'd be good at Pole Vault. However, that thing looks pretty intimidating! I'm sure I want to do something like that! What do you think??
Well, I finally got on this thing, and now I've got to get off! Nice to blog again though! Bye-Bye!!
~Let's Talk About Vampires~
- Search the World for a Vampire (Then beg them to bite her!)
- Throw sparkles on their boyfriends. (Lol!)
- Cry about a BOOK! (I have, and still do.)
- Google Vampires (^_^ Tee-Hee~)
- Finally figure out, they are vampires. (Like me, Alice, and Emmett!)
- Try to figure out what blood taste like. (It's quite good actually.)
Weird isn't it? I am a Vampire. I KNOW I am. I'm Jasper Hale( If you want to know who he is. GO READ TWILIGHT~!) I have razor sharp teeth too~
You dis twilight, Alice, Emmett and I will hunt you down. We WILL change your mind (A.K.A Draw blood until you agree.) ^_^ Thank you for enjoying my amazing VAMPIRE blog.
P.S Go see Brittany's blog! ( www.brittany-vampire.blogspot.com ) Yay~ Lubs~ <3>
Here goes....Nothing?
Raven Smith's:
When She’s not near you
Draw me near
When she is near
I disappear
Your changing for the better
I still wish you never met her
I’m changing too
But I still love you
People are changing
People are rearranging
Friendships are lying
Friendships are dying
But one thing I know for sure
You don’t love her!
Left and right
You always fight
Can’t you stay with me?
Just because she’s pretty
Just because she’s nice
Doesn’t mean she’s right!
I’m the one for you
You’re the one for me
Can’t you see?
Every time I look you in the face
I see Grace
Every time I look you in the eyes
I wish we didn’t have to die.
Thomas & Jennifer:
Jolly Rancher Suckers
Jolly Rancher Sucks are really great
The taste is pure and sweet
Share some with your mate
Have some to eat!
Your face puckers
Sour but good
It's a great sucker
I know you would
Give one to Tom
He likes them too
They're the bomb!
They are great to Chew
Don't forget to chew
Or you'll choke
Or get the sucker flu!
Drink it down with a coke~
Like I said, they're the best
Share with your friends
Or they won't let you rest
This is the end of our
Sticky Yummy
Bravos! No? I love her poems. Truly inspiring~
Here are some quotes from random people. Thomas, Brittney, Raven, and I.
Quotes, by the best!:
Thomas Stoneman:
Open up your eyes, see like me. Open up your plans, and your free!
With every new trouble comes a new pain, but after awhile your just blank. Nothing to feel or say.
Jennifer Walker:
Love the hated. Help the Lost. Kiss the tears. Enjoy the smiles. Pick up the pieces. Solve the Puzzle.....
Hugs and drugs. Aren't they both addicting?
The brain is a wonderful organ. Starts working when you wake up, and stops when you get to school.
A smile is worth a million tears.
Writing: The opposite of wronging on paper!
Brittney Wise:
Isn't it ironic? We adore those who ignore us, and ignore those who adore us.
Isn't it ironic? We hurt those we love, and love those who hurt us.
Twilight: My anti-Drug.
One day you'll wake up and say, "Wow, she really did love me." And I'll be waking up with the man who already knew.
I love all of these. Very true (Especially the Twilight one~) Well, hope you enjoyed~! Buh-Baii~!
Hart Public Libary Is An Adventure~
Well yesterday I learned my lesson. Never, ever ever, wrestle with Evan. Lolz. I ended up with a jammed finger, that I swear it broken!! It hurts A LOT! Nana said it proably needs to be pulled. I told her she was crazy if she thought I was going to pull on a finger that hurt like heck when you didn't touch it! She's so silly~ Any who, this stupid computer has a timer on it! A T-I-M-E-R. Lolz. I have 1 hour 46 minutes and 39 seconds left. They let you stay on the computer for 2 hours. Crazy people.
I have Math and Social Studies homework today. Which, I guess isn't that bad. The math is challenging, but not hard. And Social Studies is boring old labeling the map. I don't understand WHY we need to know about country names. Right now we're labeling Africa. Their countries names are awesome. Like "Zimbabwe"! That's sweet! Ours are boring. "MT Kilimanjaro" or the "Appalachian Mountains". You tell me which one is better.
Rock Band II is amazing! The songs rock, and they're challenging but fun. (Unlike Math. Lolz) Well, I should probably get off and do my homework. Darn...... Syanora! Hola! Baii!
Another One?!
Well, this was a short post. Nothing was really going on. The thin sheet of glassy ice that covers our drive way is VERY dangerous though. I'm afraid to walk down that hill. I'll fall!!! Oh well....here goes nothing?
School's Back in Session!
- Wii
- Rock Band II
- Camera
- Memory Card
- Bracelet maker
- Fall Out Boy CD (Thank you Remington!!!)
- Practice for Beauty school (I'll get to explaining that soon~)
- $30 (Thanks Uncle David and Aunt Linda)
- A cute areopostel shirt!
- A Burgundy sweat shirt (It's zip down, I needed one!)
- 3 Manga books (The Last of the Fruit Baskets series!!!)
- A 'Teen Bible'
- A learn Japanese interactive CD Rom
- A Japanese Language Map! (Lolz)
Did I miss any????? Those numbers make me look spoiled. Lolz~
Beauty School Practice
Okay, I said I got "Beauty School Practice" for Christmas. Well, I practiced on Nana for Collage! (It's a while away, I know. Lolz) I did her make-up and her hair for the (Late) Christmas party at Grandma Marsha's house. It was fun, and I did a pretty good job! Then, Evan and I came back a little early from the party. We went to our house and played Rock Band II (It's amazing!) While we went up the hill and what not, there was a thin sheet of clear glassy ice. Evan fell flat on his back, and I managed to grab myself before I fell. Nana fell too, when she got out of the truck. So I gave her a pedicure and a massage to sooth her aches. It's 5:20 am, so I hope she can sleep well.
*******THIS JUST IN********
I just got a call from my Uncle Don (He Lives Next Door~) I have no school today! However, I'm dressed, and showered. I was already! And I didn't have school. Doesn't that suck? That's horrible!!! I was perfectly up. Tomorrow I won't be able to get up. I need showers to wake me up. Lolz.
Well I hope to see you all soon! If I don't have school, I'm not staying up!
****Nitey Night****