
Let's update!

Wow, I really need to pay attention to this more!

Well, the drama show went great! I hope you saw it! I would love to thank the WHOLE cast of "Little Red: Life In The Hood" for doing a great!

Well, it's spring break now! Which is so awesome! I'm glad it's finally here! Tomorrow I have a "Movie Madness" night with some of my friends! It's going to be a blast! I just need to make a few more calls!

I would also like to thank my Science teacher Mr. Calvin Ackley for inspiring my Christan beliefs, and not getting annoyed with my constant questions! Thanks for answering every one of those questions!

Now that spring is around the corner, so is Track! I'm really hyped up for it!! I hope I find out my second event I want to do. All I know right now is Shot Put. I'm sure I can do that. Mrs. Woodbury said I'd be good at Pole Vault. However, that thing looks pretty intimidating! I'm sure I want to do something like that! What do you think??

Well, I finally got on this thing, and now I've got to get off! Nice to blog again though! Bye-Bye!!

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