
Once There Was A Man

Once there was this guy,
A nice guy, really--
And he met this girl.
An incredible girl--
truly amazing.
So naturally this guy,
falls head over heels for her.
Pretty soon..
they're picking out china patterns and rings.
Then there is a wedding.
And the starry-eyed couple
rides off to what is sure to be
a rosy future.

Okay, so now some time has passed.
And this guy is living in the future.
And he is still married to that girl
But now their life is full of lots of stuff--
Appliances, bills, and loads of laundry
and home repair projects.
But between the to-do's and have-to's
There are those moments....
When this guy looks around him.
He looks at his still truly amazing wife
He looks at their life together
All the ways it has grown in many ways.
And the responsibilities he now has.
And he thinks to himself...

"So this is my life..."
then he thinks...
"I am one heck of a lucky guy."

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